Sunday, September 27, 2015

Kaylee Wills = PIN CUSHION

 Nervously waiting for my injections
So this is a long overdue post since I was a pin cushion nearly a month ago already. Yes thats right a pin cushion haha. My injections weren't nearly as bad as everyone had told me they would be but I definitely could have done without them. I still have to go back in the next 2 weeks for boosters so bring on more injections. But for those of you who tried to scare me, I was apparently the perfect patient and very relaxed. God had my back :)

A total of 5 HUGE injections

The aftermath (pin cushion arm)
Don't look if you hate injections haha

One of the the special donations I have had towards my trip has been one that has come indirectly from my granny. She passed away quite a few year ago now but had left my mom with some shares. My gran had a big heart for the poor and needy and would go out of her way to help them or lend a helping hand. My mom made the decision to sell these shares in order to give me money towards my trip. I think my gran would have wanted this and been very proud to see what I am doing with my life and especially because I am following the dreams god has placed in my heart. I think she would be even happier if I met a Jewish boy on the trip to marry (she was a huge lover of god's chosen people) haha.

I just want to extend a huge thank you to those of you that have already donated to my adventure. It has allowed me to pay for flights and have my immunisations done.

My US Dollar account on the ship is now open and accessible for secure donations in any currency: Simply click on my Fundraising Site address below to visit my personal fundraising page @ to make a secure online donation.  The graphic on the RHS of the page indicates the amount still outstanding for my accommodation and meals on the ship. This is my account on the ship from where I pay my boarding from, the amount needed here is $1 500.

I am still needing funds in my South African account for things, such as medical aid and cellphone contract. The amount still needed in this account is R15 000. The account details for a contribution towards these costs are as follows:

Account Holder Name: K H Wills
Account No.: 62445765045
Branch No.: 220426
Type of Account: Cheque Account

Please put reference: *MERCY SHIPS* 

Stay tuned for the next installment of the blog which will hopefully be sooner than later. :)